Dallas Zoo Lights is a walk-through light experience during the winter holidays. This experience covers half of the Zoo and requires signage in multiple forms and for various messages. We make signage for all the unique photo-ops, light visuals, and experiences our guests get to enjoy for a month and a half. We also make signage to promote the benefits of membership and the various gift giving opportunities the Zoo has since it is the season of giving.
The base Dallas Zoo Lights signage utilizes a white background to increase legibility during this low light event, with holiday light shapes and colors pulled from the Dallas Zoo Lights logo. We gave the membership signage a unique branding by using photography of the notable animal lanterns and creating the illusion of light and illumination with white and yellow typography and a dark background. The gift giving signage also stands apart by utilizing photography, unique typography, and illustrations of holiday wreaths, holly, and colorful shapes. 
We sought to create signage that was accessible to our guests by being visible, helping guests navigate, explaining the experiences offered, and highlighting how the holiday cheer can be shared.
VP of Marking and Communication: Kari Streiber
Project Manager: Courtney Wallover
Creative Design Manager: Sean Fowler
Graphic Designer: Kristina Edwards

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